How to work out split size for rotary laser engraving
How to Calculate Split Size for Rotary Laser Engraving
To split a design for rotary laser engraving on cylindrical objects, follow these steps:
1. Measure Dimensions: Determine the object’s diameter and calculate the circumference.
2. Set Design Length: Match the design length to the object’s circumference for a full-wrap.
3. Divide into Sections: Split the design into parts that fit within the machine’s engraving area.
4. Add Overlap: Include a small overlap (1–2 mm) for seamless alignment.
5. Adjust Settings: Input the diameter into your rotary attachment for accurate rotation.
6. Engrave in Sections: Align each section, engrave, and rotate the object until complete.
Software like LightBurn can automate splitting designs based on object size and machine limits.
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